patient presents with history of fall

 Hi, I A satyanarayana 5 th sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning protofolia
  A 65 years old Male brought to hospital (Casualty) with
Cheif complaints
* Right upper limb and lower limb weakness
*Pain in neck

History of presenting illness
Patient was apparently asymptomatic till yesterday.Then he fall down over the floor on face(event occur around 5.30pm near miryaluguda and complaints of pain in neck (from 6.00pm on 10/10/23) sudden in onset and its not radiating and tenderness present on back of neck.
Unable to move his right upper limb and lower limb.
No micturition since fall
•No history of nausea, vomiting,nose bleed,ear bleed
•No history of fever

Past history
Not a known case of 

Personal history
    Appetite normal
    Mixed diet
    Regular bowel movements
    Sleep disturbances due to pain
    No smoking
    Occasional drinker


The patient was conscious coherent well oriented to time, place , person.. examination was done in a well ventilated room

  No pallor
No icterus 
No clubbing
No cyanosis
No pedal edema

* Temperature :Afebrile
* Blood pressure :130/90
* Pulse:70beats per minute
* Respiration rate:16cpm

Cardiovascular system 
S1s2(+), no thrills, no murmurs 
Respiratory system
No dyspnoea
No wheeze
Position of trachea central 
Breath sounds :vesicular 
No crepitations
Shape of abdomen: scaphoid 
No tenderness 
No palpable masses
No bruits
Liver not palpable 
Spleen not palpable
Bowel sounds (+) 
Central nervous system 
Speech is normal
Sensory system :normal
Motor system: 
             Left.                      Right
Upper.    Power 5/5.         Power 1/5
               Tone good.        Tone decreased 
Gcs: E4V5M6 15/15
Pupils: Bilateral normal and reactive to light
Radiological investigations done on 11/10/23
